
Hacker News 简讯 2024-03-01

HackerNews 2024-02-29 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-03-01 16:00

  1. JPEG XL and the Pareto Front - (cloudinary.com)
  2. Show HN: Struct – A Feed-Centric Chat Platform - (struct.ai)
  3. Defcon: Preventing overload with graceful feature degradation (2023) - (micahlerner.com)
  4. GGUF, the Long Way Around - (vickiboykis.com)
  5. Financial systems take a holiday - (bitsaboutmoney.com)
  6. Functional ownership through fractional uniqueness - (arxiv.org)
  7. Serving my blog posts as Linux manual pages - (jamesg.blog)
  8. Show HN: OfflineLLM – a Vision Pro app running TinyLlama on device - (apps.apple.com)
  9. Ask HN: Did you encounter any leap year bugs today?
  10. Sparrow: Distributed, Low Latency Scheduling (2013) [pdf] - (eecs.berkeley.edu)
  11. Hash functions: An empirical comparison (2008) - (strchr.com)
  12. 'Entropy bagels' and other complex structures emerge from simple rules - (quantamagazine.org)
  13. Indexed types for a statically safe WebAssembly [pdf] - (williamjbowman.com)
  14. Show HN: Predictive Text Using Only 13KB of JavaScript. No LLM - (adamgrant.info)
  15. Antarctic English - (wikipedia.org)
  16. Experimenting with GC-less (heap-less) Java - (maximullaris.com)
  17. Ask HN: Code Llama 70B on a dedicated server
  18. You've just inherited a legacy C++ codebase, now what? - (gaultier.github.io)
  19. Big Post About Big Context - (gonzoml.substack.com)
  20. The "End of Programming" will look a lot like programming (2023) - (ben11kehoe.medium.com)
  21. A lock-free ring-buffer with contiguous reservations (2019) - (ferrous-systems.com)
  22. Flexible schemas are the mindkiller - (mataroa.blog)
  23. The internet turned into a crowded mall. Now you need a corner shop - (pithandpip.com)
  24. Show HN: Workout Tracker – self-hosted, single binary web application - (github.com/jovandeginste)
  25. Ever Dealt with a Leap Second? - (talesfromtheopsside.com)
  26. How video games use lookup tables - (frost.kiwi)
  27. Things You Should Never Do, Part I (2000) - (joelonsoftware.com)
  28. "Dune" and the delicate art of making fictional languages - (newyorker.com)
  29. Nokia is replacing Huawei at Deutsche Telekom sites in Germany - (lightreading.com)
  30. The KDE desktop gets an overhaul with Plasma 6 - (lwn.net)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-03-01 16:00