2022-07-05 16:59
#daily tips# 很不错的Linux可视化工具,能非常直观地看到 cpu 、内存、磁盘使用等情况,跟htop有异曲同工之妙。
these have been around for years. All of them are terminal-based tools.

Grandpa top. Written 36 years ago, C, installed by default on almost every Unix descendant.
bashtop, in pure bash! Beautiful and space efficient, and deserves special comment.
bpytop, @aristocratos, the author of bashtop, rewrote it in Python in mid-2020; it's the same beautiful interface, and a very nice alternative.
htop. A prettier top. Similar functionality. 16 years old!
atop. Detailed process-focused inspection with a table-like view. Been around for 9 long years.
iftop, a top for network connections. More than just data transfer, iftop will show what interfaces are connecting to what IP addresses. Requires root access to run.
iotop, top for disk access. Tells you which processes are writing to and from disk space, and how much. Also requires root access to run.
nmon a dashboard style top; widgets can be dynamically enabled and disabled, pure ASCII rendering, so it doesn't rely on fancy character sets to draw bars.
ytop, a rewrite of gotop (ca. 3.0) in Rust. Same great UI, different programming language.
slabtop, part of procps-ng, looks like top but provides kernel slab cache information! Requires root.
systemd-cgtop, comes with systemd (odds are your system uses systemd, so this is already installed), provides a resource use view of control groups -- basically, which services are using what resources. Does not require root to run.
virt-top top for virtualized containers (VMs, like QEMU).
ctop top for containers (LXC, like docker)

