搜索 “Cursor” ,共找到 70 项结果
  • Falcon
    09-28 15:00
    #ChatGPT# #Cursor#


  • Falcon
    09-23 11:07
    #Cursor# I want to create a chrome extension that uses open ai api to summarize youtube video transcripts. I need you to generate me a folder for the chrome extension and a python file for my extemal api server. the chrome extension will make API calls to the flask server that I will host locally. the python file should use YouTubeTranscriptApi for the transcript and then use openai for summary. There should be a button inside the youtube window that says summarize as well as one within the actual chrom extension, when they are clicked they should send the api request to the flask server to get the trascript. the Chrome extension should have a nice modem Ul that is dark mode with white text, it should have one tab that shows the transcript and one tab that shows the summary returned from the APl, at the top of the chrome extension it should say Stride Tube in gold letters. The user should be able to input their openai api key that will be sent to the flask server for the Open Al api ca
  • Falcon
    09-23 11:07
    #Cursor# 你必须非常清楚自己的需求,才能更好地使用cursor,这段prompt的youtuber在经历了几个小时的失败,从一开始的依赖ai,然后ai在进展中不断地出现幻觉。

  • Falcon
    09-23 10:36
    #Cursor# 一段比较好的写chrome扩展 的prompt,根据现有的代码构建新的扩展。

    Put all files in stridetube folder. I need to build this chrome extension that pulls youtube video transcripts and sends them to OpenAl based on user api key input and then returns the summaary of youtube video. Read the project overview details in depth and build this for me end-to-end indepth without missing anything. Make the Ul very professional and modern so anybody that looks at it would be extrerdely impressed.

    Read the project overview details
    end-to-end indepth
    without missing anything
    Make the Ul very professional and modern so anybody that looks at it would be extrerdely impressed.
  • Falcon
    09-23 10:11
    #Cursor# 在分析完这个项目的代码后,提出自己的需求,并让大模型生成更为深入的提示词给cursor的composer,第二个图是生成的更为具体的提示词。

    Develop a VERY indepth prompt i can use to get Al to build a chrome extension like this but with with the feature of inputing the user OpenAl API key and sending the transcript to openai for summary.
  • Falcon
    09-23 09:51
    #Cursor# 从类似开源项目构建自己的应用:步骤一:让curosr解释开源项目的代码

    @Codebase I'm trying to build similar version of this open source software but better, please break down every area of how it works and how it is structured indepth through each and every phase step by step.
  • 用chatgpt 的4o-mini 模型写Bug !

    晚上因为网站被机器人疯狂爬取,就图方便用chaptgpt写一个控制ip访问频率的wp插件,万没想到 chatgpt 的 4o-mini 果然还是不够聪明,被它坑死了! 一开始是它不懂我用的是phpiredis扩展,一直使用Redis()类,而phpiredis只有函数式命令操作,经过我的再次提醒,并附上文档用法,它总算改成正确的了。 然后它又犯了...

    09-18 02:12 Falcon 阅读
  • 实用的 Cursor Prompt 提示词(Rules For AI)精选

    收集了一些cursor的prompt(提示词) 可在Cursor内全局设置 `Rules For AI` 或在某个项目内放入 `.cursorfile` 使用。 ![](https://photo.cellmean.com/i/2024/09/16/h0a90k-0.png) ## 编程初学者模式: 用于学习新的编程知识,这个模式不但让你能构...

    09-15 09:51 Falcon 阅读
  • Cursor立功了

    今天用Cursor 修改了以前用ChatGPT写的一个bug。 我之前用ChatGPT(大部分)写了一个用redis统计文章阅读排行和阅读数的Python Fastapi应用,但我发现周排行榜每逢周一就没有数据,只有两个可能,一是开始时间可能有问题,二是redis过期时间设定有问题。 我隐约觉得问题在于这一段:这是一个计算今天到下周一的时间差...

    09-09 14:14 Falcon 阅读