
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-23

HackerNews 2024-12-22 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-23 16:00

  1. Twtxt is a decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers - (twtxt.readthedocs.io)
  2. Infinigen: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation - (github.com/princeton-vl)
  3. Critics, not fans, perpetuate the failed second album myth, study shows - (phys.org)
  4. Collatz's Ant - (gbragafibra.github.io)
  5. Litestack: All your data infrastructure, in one Ruby gem - (github.com/oldmoe)
  6. Decoding the telephony signals in Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' - (corelatus.com)
  7. GPT-5 is behind schedule - (wsj.com)
  8. How bloom filters made SQLite 10x faster - (avi.im)
  9. WSDA, USDA announce eradication of northern giant hornet from the United States - (wa.gov)
  10. RAG Logger: An Open-Source Alternative to LangSmith - (github.com/brandon-c-tech)
  11. Long Term Software Development - (berthub.eu)
  12. In praise of the hundred page idea - (tracydurnell.com)
  13. Tokenisation Is NP-Complete - (arxiv.org)
  14. Ask HN: Who's building on Python NoGIL?
  15. One way to fight loneliness: Germans call it a Stammtisch - (npr.org)
  16. Show HN: Ephemeral VMs in 1 Microsecond - (github.com/libriscv)
  17. Spherical Harmonics - (rhotter.com)
  18. Classified fighter jet specs leaked on War Thunder forums - (ukdefencejournal.org.uk)
  19. Fighting spam with Haskell at Meta (2015) - (fb.com)
  20. JRuby with JBang - (web.app)
  21. Ask HN: Predictions for 2025?
  22. CodeMic: A new way to talk about code - (codemic.io)
  23. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923) - (poets.org)
  24. Chicago's Newberry Library discovers rare maguey paper in collection - (chicagotribune.com)
  25. The birth, life, and death of old Penn Station (2017) - (curbed.com)
  26. One surprising psychosis treatment that works: Learning to live with the voices - (wsj.com)
  27. Finley (YC W21) Is Hiring a Growth Associate (Ex-Finance) - (lever.co)
  28. Feed readers which don't take "no" for an answer - (rachelbythebay.com)
  29. CUDA Moat Still Alive - (semianalysis.com)
  30. Whither Dashboard Design? - (surfingcomplexity.blog)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-23 16:00