
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-26

HackerNews 2024-12-25 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-26 16:00

  1. Blackcandy: Self hosted music streaming server - (github.com/blackcandy-org)
  2. Egui – An immediate mode GUI written in Rust - (egui.rs)
  3. Cognitive load is what matters - (minds.md)
  4. Differential Growth Addon for Blender - (okunskiy.name)
  5. Siyuan: Privacy-first, self-hosted personal knowledge management software - (github.com/siyuan-note)
  6. Show HN: A singing synthesizer for the browser with automatic 3-part harmony - (pbat.ch)
  7. Seconds Since the Epoch - (aphyr.com)
  8. Portspoof: Emulate a valid service on all 65535 TCP ports - (github.com/drk1wi)
  9. Installing OpenWRT on an Unsupported Router - (radiosocial.de)
  10. Reads Causing Writes in Postgres - (jesipow.com)
  11. F*: A proof oriented general purpose programming language - (fstar-lang.org)
  12. Ugandan runner due to arrive in London after 516 days, 7,700 miles on the road - (theguardian.com)
  13. Into CPS, Never to Return - (bernsteinbear.com)
  14. A new learning experience on MDN - (developer.mozilla.org)
  15. VPR: Nordic's First RISC-V Processor - (danielmangum.com)
  16. This open problem taught me what topology is [video] - (youtube.com)
  17. I Thought I Found a Bug - (os2museum.com)
  18. The software you need for holiday overdecoration - (dbos.dev)
  19. The Swedish cabin on the frontline of a possible hybrid war - (theguardian.com)
  20. Show HN: Map of YC Startups - (yc-map.vercel.app)
  21. Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe - (cnx-software.com)
  22. Is Christmas Efficient? (2013) - (marginalrevolution.com)
  23. Converting shopping malls into apartments [video] - (youtube.com)
  24. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Are Underrated - (igorstechnoclub.com)
  25. Show HN: I made a website to semantically search ArXiv papers - (mitanshu.tech)
  26. Bird flu kills more than half the big cats at a Washington sanctuary - (cnn.com)
  27. Show HN: Super Snowflake Maker - (supersnowflakemaker.com)
  28. Show HN: FixBrowser – a lightweight web browser created from scratch - (fixbrowser.org)
  29. macOS menu bar app that shows how full the ISS urine tank is in real time - (github.com/jaennaet)
  30. Ruby 3.4.0 - (ruby-lang.org)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-26 16:00