
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-24

HackerNews 2024-12-23 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-24 16:00

  1. The number pi has an evil twin - (mathstodon.xyz)
  2. Making AMD GPUs competitive for LLM inference (2023) - (mlc.ai)
  3. What happened to the world's largest tube TV? [video] - (youtube.com)
  4. Build a Low-Cost Drone Using ESP32 - (digikey.com)
  5. Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models - (sakana.ai)
  6. Why are cancer guidelines stuck in PDFs? - (seangeiger.substack.com)
  7. Demystifying Debuggers, Part 2: The Anatomy of a Running Program - (rfleury.com)
  8. Ask HN: Programmers who don't use autocomplete/LSP, how do you do it?
  9. Parsing millions of URLs per Second (2023) - (wiley.com)
  10. Symbolic Execution by Overloading __bool__ - (philipzucker.com)
  11. Show HN: Complete decompilation of Lego Island - (github.com/isledecomp)
  12. Can AI do maths yet? Thoughts from a mathematician - (xenaproject.wordpress.com)
  13. The Sean Carrolls Explain the Universe - (nautil.us)
  14. Fogus: Things and Stuff of 2024 - (fogus.me)
  15. A chart that shows everything that has ever existed - (economist.com)
  16. Show HN: Llama 3.3 70B Sparse Autoencoders with API access - (goodfire.ai)
  17. Xerox to acquire Lexmark - (lexmark.com)
  18. Telling Stories in Athenian Law [pdf] (2002) - (classicalstudies.org)
  19. Show HN: AuthorTrail – Browse files you've touched in a Git repo - (github.com/sarimabbas)
  20. WSDA, USDA announce eradication of northern giant hornet from the United States - (wa.gov)
  21. Narrative Jailbreaking for Fun and Profit - (interconnected.org)
  22. Manx – a catalog of manuals for old computers - (manx-docs.org)
  23. Spreadsheets 1/3 – Rye Language - (ryelang.org)
  24. AI Decodes the Calls of the Wild - (nature.com)
  25. My Colleague Julius - (ploum.net)
  26. Show HN: Keypub.sh – OAuth for the terminal using SSH keys - (keypub.sh)
  27. Happy 400th birthday to the world’s oldest bond - (ft.com)
  28. The intricacies of implementing memoization in Ruby - (denisdefreyne.com)
  29. Sipeed NanoKVM-PCIe - (cnx-software.com)
  30. CLI tool to insert spacers when command output stops - (github.com/samwho)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-24 16:00