
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-25

HackerNews 2024-12-24 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-25 16:00

  1. macOS menu bar app that shows how full the ISS urine tank is in real time - (github.com/jaennaet)
  2. T * sin (t)' ≈ Ornamented Christmas Tree (2013) - (wolfram.com)
  3. This open problem taught me what topology is [video] - (youtube.com)
  4. Show HN: FixBrowser – a lightweight web browser created from scratch - (fixbrowser.org)
  5. Merry Christmas Everyone
  6. Ruby 3.4.0 Released - (ruby-lang.org)
  7. Trying out QvQ – Qwen's new visual reasoning model - (simonwillison.net)
  8. A Taping of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Saved an Innocent Man from Death Row (2017) - (innocenceproject.org)
  9. CRT Simulation in a GPU Shader, Looks Better Than Black Frame Insertion - (blurbusters.com)
  10. Exploring LoRA – Part 1: The Idea Behind Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning - (medium.com/inspiredbrilliance)
  11. Spectral Imaging Made Easy: A Powerful Python Library - (github.com/siapy)
  12. Masks, Smoke, and Mirrors: The story of EgyptAir flight 804 - (admiralcloudberg.medium.com)
  13. Will that hub or dock slow your SSDs, or even make them faster? - (eclecticlight.co)
  14. A pilot raced through the airport to surprise the woman who saved his life - (cnn.com)
  15. Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory - (abortretry.fail)
  16. Adversarial policies beat superhuman Go AIs (2023) - (arxiv.org)
  17. Are Immutable Linux Distros right for you? - (linuxblog.io)
  18. Camera Ignores Perspective and Sees Behind Walls - (petapixel.com)
  19. The number pi has an evil twin - (mathstodon.xyz)
  20. News for Ruby 3.4.0 - (ruby-lang.org)
  21. Earth's subsurface may hold up to 5.6 × 10⁶ million metric tons of hydrogen - (phys.org)
  22. What happened to the world's largest tube TV? [video] - (youtube.com)
  23. Jujutsu Megamerges and jj Absorb - (chriskrycho.com)
  24. Hoarder: Self-hostable bookmark-everything app - (github.com/hoarder-app)
  25. What would it take to add refinement types to Rust? - (yoric.github.io)
  26. Gordon Mah Ung has died - (pcworld.com)
  27. On the nature of computing science (1984) - (utexas.edu)
  28. A Practitioner's Guide to Wide Events - (jeremymorrell.dev)
  29. Minutes of a Meeting Held at Gear Ratio on Tuesday 13 June 78 [pdf] - (forgottenweapons.com)
  30. Cerebrum: Simulate and infer synaptic connectivity in large-scale brain networks - (svbrain.xyz)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-25 16:00