
Hacker News 简讯 2023-03-23

2023-03-23 08:01:10 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2023-03-23 16:00

  1. OpenAI’s policies hinder reproducible research on language models - (aisnakeoil.substack.com)
    OpenAI的政策阻碍了对语言模型的可复制研究 [谷歌翻译版]
  2. Little Snitch Mini - (obdev.at)
    小飞贼迷你 [谷歌翻译版]
  3. You might not need an effect - (react.dev)
    你可能不需要特效 [谷歌翻译版]
  4. ThumbHash: A better compact image placeholder hash - (evanw.github.io)
    ThumbHash:一个更紧凑的图像占位符哈希 [谷歌翻译版]
  5. FauxPilot – an open-source GitHub Copilot server - (github.com/fauxpilot)
    FauPilot–开源GitHub Copilot服务器 [谷歌翻译版]
  6. De-cloud and de-k8s – bringing our apps back home - (37signals.com)
    去云和De-k8s–将我们的应用程序带回国内 [谷歌翻译版]
  7. When did New York start building slowly? - (constructionphysics.substack.com)
    纽约是什么时候开始慢慢建设的? [谷歌翻译版]
  8. Supabase (YC S20) is looking for a dev to run our socials and community - (greenhouse.io)
    Subabase(YC S20)正在寻找一位开发人员来管理我们的社交和社区 [谷歌翻译版]
  9. Adding an ISA Slot to a Modern Motherboard [video] - (youtube.com)
    为现代主板添加ISA插槽[视频] [谷歌翻译版]
  10. MRSK vs. Fly.io - (fly.io)
    MRSK与Fly.io [谷歌翻译版]
  11. SEC charges crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun and his companies for fraud - (sec.gov)
    美国证券交易委员会指控加密货币企业家Justin Sun及其公司欺诈 [谷歌翻译版]
  12. Text2Room: Extracting Textured 3D Meshes from 2D Text-to-Image Models - (lukashoel.github.io)
    Text2Room:从2D文本到图像模型中提取纹理3D网格 [谷歌翻译版]
  13. Launch HN: Flower (YC W23) – Train AI models on distributed or sensitive data
    发布HN:Flower(YC W23)-在分布式或敏感数据上训练人工智能模型 [谷歌翻译版]
  14. Show HN: Dungeon Map Doodler Beta - Free online map drawing tool - (dungeonmapdoodler.com)
    显示HN:地下城地图涂鸦测试版-免费在线地图绘制工具 [谷歌翻译版]
  15. The Unix process API is unreliable and unsafe (2021) - (catern.com)
    Unix进程API不可靠且不安全(2021) [谷歌翻译版]
  16. How the last-ditch effort to save Silicon Valley Bank failed - (wsj.com)
    拯救硅谷银行的最后一搏是如何失败的 [谷歌翻译版]
  17. How I came to write “Tidy First?” tl;dr it took 18 years - (tidyfirst.substack.com)
    我是如何写《整洁第一》的;dr花了18年时间 [谷歌翻译版]
  18. Bob Metcalfe wins Turing Award - (acm.org)
    鲍勃·梅特卡夫荣获图灵奖 [谷歌翻译版]
  19. Everything ChatGPT – under the hood of the ChatGPT web app - (github.com/terminalcommandnewsletter)
    一切ChatGPT-在ChatGPT网络应用程序的框架下 [谷歌翻译版]
  20. Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions - (instruct-nerf2nerf.github.io)
    Instruction-NeRF2NeRF:使用说明编辑3D场景 [谷歌翻译版]
  21. An Aperiodic Monotile Exists! - (aperiodical.com)
    一个非周期性的单调存在! [谷歌翻译版]
  22. DPReview is being archived by the Archive Team - (reddit.com)
    DPReview由归档团队归档 [谷歌翻译版]
  23. Show HN: Zapier's first API
    显示HN:扎皮尔;s第一个API [谷歌翻译版]
  24. Kelly ‘Aloria’ Lum has died - (techcrunch.com)
    Kelly‘Aloria’Lum已经去世 [谷歌翻译版]
  25. Show HN: Moonshine – open-source, pretrained ML models for satellite - (moonshineai.readthedocs.io)
    展示HN:Moonshine–用于卫星的开源、预训练ML模型 [谷歌翻译版]
  26. Coinbase issued Wells notice by SEC - (reuters.com)
    Coinbase向美国证券交易委员会发出威尔斯通知 [谷歌翻译版]
  27. Chinese app included malware to gain competitive advantage - (krebsonsecurity.com)
    中国应用程序包含恶意软件以获得竞争优势 [谷歌翻译版]
  28. Companies to publish salary ranges in job adverts under new EU rules - (businesspost.ie)
    根据欧盟新规定,公司将在招聘广告中公布薪酬范围 [谷歌翻译版]
  29. Remote work is starting to hit office rents - (axios.com)
    远程工作开始影响办公室租金 [谷歌翻译版]
  30. My sign up form was abused to send spam. Is yours safe? - (mzrn.sh)
    我的注册表格被滥用发送垃圾邮件。你的安全吗? [谷歌翻译版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-03-23 16:00