
Hacker News 简讯 2023-03-26

2023-03-26 00:01:16 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2023-03-26 16:00

  1. GNUstep compatibility with macOS Catalina almost complete - (heronsperch.blogspot.com)
    GNUstep与macOS Catalina的兼容性几乎完成 [谷歌翻译版]
  2. Reverse-engineering the Globus INK, a Soviet spaceflight navigation computer - (righto.com)
    对苏联航天导航计算机Globus INK进行逆向工程 [谷歌翻译版]
  3. Utah is first US state to limit teen social media access - (bbc.com)
    犹他州是美国第一个限制青少年社交媒体访问的州 [谷歌翻译版]
  4. ChatGPT 4 saved my dog’s life - (twitter.com/peakcooper)
    ChatGPT 4救了我狗的命 [谷歌翻译版]
  5. CERN researchers have observed and generated high-energy neutrino radiation - (bigthink.com)
    欧洲核子研究中心的研究人员已经观测到并产生了高能中微子辐射 [谷歌翻译版]
  6. Docker - (computer.rip)
    码头工人 [谷歌翻译版]
  7. Why take a compiler course? (2010) - (regehr.org)
    为什么要上编译器课程?(2010) [谷歌翻译版]
  8. An Apologia of Lazy Evaluation - (epicandmonicisnotiso.blogspot.com)
    对懒惰评价的道歉 [谷歌翻译版]
  9. Vector database built for scalable similarity search - (milvus.io)
    用于可扩展相似性搜索的矢量数据库 [谷歌翻译版]
  10. Show HN: Lunette – A word processor designed around writing, not formatting - (lunette.app)
    Show HN:Lunette–一款文字处理器,专为书写而非格式化而设计 [谷歌翻译版]
  11. U.S. Home Prices Are the Most Unaffordable They've Been in Nearly 100 Years - (longtermtrends.net)
    美国房价是最难以承受的;I’我已经近100年了 [谷歌翻译版]
  12. Dismantling a Crappy Malware Operation - (mrbruh.com)
    拆卸恶意软件操作 [谷歌翻译版]
  13. Ruffle – Flash Emulator – Progress Report - (ruffle.rs)
    褶皱–Flash Emulator–进度报告 [谷歌翻译版]
  14. A Simple Framework for Architectural Decisions - (infoq.com)
    一个简单的体系结构决策框架 [谷歌翻译版]
  15. Things I’ve Learned from Charlie Munger about Moats (2015) - (25iq.com)
    我从查理·芒格那里学到的关于Moats的东西(2015) [谷歌翻译版]
  16. The fastest rm command and one of the fastest cp commands - (alexsaveau.dev)
    最快的rm命令和最快的cp命令之一 [谷歌翻译版]
  17. I lost everything that made me love my job through Midjourney overnight - (reddit.com)
    一夜之间,我失去了让我热爱工作的一切 [谷歌翻译版]
  18. Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API - (jamesturk.github.io)
    用于使用OpenAI抓取网站的实验库;s GPT API [谷歌翻译版]
  19. British PCs of the 1980s - (arstechnica.com)
    20世纪80年代的英国个人电脑 [谷歌翻译版]
  20. Nvidia Speeds Key Chipmaking Computation by 40x - (ieee.org)
    英伟达将关键芯片制造计算速度提高40倍 [谷歌翻译版]
  21. An EEVDF CPU Scheduler for Linux - (lwn.net)
    适用于Linux的EEVDF CPU调度程序 [谷歌翻译版]
  22. Wittgenstein's Ladder - (wikipedia.org)
    维特根斯坦;s梯形图 [谷歌翻译版]
  23. Reflect – App for recording and connecting notes, ideas and contacts - (reflect.app)
    Reflect–用于记录和连接笔记、想法和联系人的应用程序 [谷歌翻译版]
  24. Italy rated one of the hardest countries for foreigners to settle in - (thelocal.it)
    意大利被评为外国人最难定居的国家之一 [谷歌翻译版]
  25. Ultimate Doom on an 80s Compact Mac? - (youtube.com)
    80年代紧凑型Mac电脑上的终极末日? [谷歌翻译版]
  26. Major shake-up coming for Fermilab, the troubled U.S. particle physics center - (science.org)
    陷入困境的美国粒子物理中心费米实验室即将迎来重大变革 [谷歌翻译版]
  27. My experience crafting an interpreter with Rust (2021) - (ceronman.com)
    我与Rust一起打造口译员的经验(2021) [谷歌翻译版]
  28. Time to end the speed limit in US airspace? - (elidourado.com)
    是时候结束美国领空的限速了吗? [谷歌翻译版]
  29. A Bad Trip to Infinity - (billwadge.com)
    通往无限的糟糕之旅 [谷歌翻译版]
  30. systemd 100% cpu hang? – Proxmox Support Forum - (proxmox.com)
    systemd 100%cpu挂起?–Proxmox支持论坛 [谷歌翻译版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-03-26 16:00