
Hacker News 简讯 2023-04-25

HackerNews 2023-04-24 views:


最后更新时间: 2023-04-25 16:00

  1. Ways to shoot yourself in the foot with PostgreSQL - (philbooth.me)
  2. LAION, a high school teacher’s free image database, powers AI unicorns - (bloomberg.com)
  3. Apple wins antitrust court battle with Epic Games, appeals court rules - (techcrunch.com)
  4. Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) to join SRI International - (sri.com)
  5. Deep Neural Networks from Scratch in Zig - (monadmonkey.com)
  6. Deming Paradox: Operationally rigorous companies aren't nice places to work - (commoncog.com)
  7. GCC 13 and the State of Gccrs - (rust-gcc.github.io)
  8. Show HN: Homemade rocketship treehouse – hardware to custom OS - (jonh.net)
  9. Capturing the Flag with GPT4 - (micahflee.com)
  10. A mutual aid auto shop in Alabama - (lux-magazine.com)
  11. ONNX Runtime merges WebGPU backend - (github.com/microsoft)
  12. Bean leaves don’t let the bedbugs bite by using tiny, impaling spikes - (smithsonianmag.com)
  13. Ox - (sesquiotic.com)
  14. The Four Hobbies, and Apparent Expertise - (brooker.co.za)
  15. Are pull requests bad because they originate from open-source development? - (ploeh.dk)
  16. Google Authenticator now supports Google Account synchronization - (googleblog.com)
  17. Day Ahead Market adventures: capacity restrictions and negative prices - (boerman.dev)
  18. Technology of water in ancient Iran from prehistory to the Islamic Golden Age - (nature.com)
  19. Nostr (“Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays”) – An Introduction - (wellorder.net)
  20. Haiku's (Kernel) Condition Variables API: Design and Implementation - (haiku-os.org)
  21. Egypt builds worlds largest man-made river - (constructionweekonline.com)
  22. Piper: A proposal for a graphy pipe-based build system - (mattsanetra.uk)
  23. The Great Electrician Shortage - (newyorker.com)
  24. Apple Pay’s long road to paying off is getting shorter - (wsj.com)
  25. The Interstellar Style of Sun Ra (2016) - (pitchfork.com)
  26. Hawthorne effect - (wikipedia.org)
  27. Lancey (YC S22) is hiring a senior full-stack engineer - (ycombinator.com)
  28. Local License Key Verification - (matradomski.com)
  29. My Search for the Origins of Clothing - (sapiens.org)
  30. Thinking about our passive exposure to IPv6 issues - (utoronto.ca)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-04-25 16:00