
Hacker News 简讯 2023-06-04

HackerNews 2023-06-04 views:


最后更新时间: 2023-06-04 16:00

  1. .ga domain names soon to return to Gabonese management (from Freenom) [pdf] - (afnic.fr)
  2. Still Love Telnet - (bash-prompt.net)
  3. GPS (2022) - (ciechanow.ski)
  4. The death of self-driving cars is greatly exaggerated - (understandingai.org)
  5. This site is no longer solar powered for now - (andrewjvpowell.com)
  6. Show HN: Google Code Jam Archive - (zibada.guru)
  7. Bytes are all you need: Transformers operating directly on file bytes - (arxiv.org)
  8. How we learned that bees can tell time (2021) - (popsci.com)
  9. Running Apple 1 software on a breadboard computer (Wozmon) [video] - (youtube.com)
  10. Classic components could be replaced by rubber in next-gen loudspeakers - (polytechnique-insights.com)
  11. M.U.L.E. Online - (puzzud.itch.io)
  12. Connect to your Raspberry Pi over USB using gadget mode - (howchoo.com)
  13. Induction of a torpor-like state in rodents by ultrasound - (livescience.com)
  14. Setting time on fire and the temptation of The Button - (oneusefulthing.org)
  15. Christopher Strachey and the dawn of interactive text - (if50.substack.com)
  16. Photography's new bag of tricks (1984) - (nytimes.com)
  17. The Original AI Doomer: Dr. Norbert Wiener - (pessimistsarchive.org)
  18. Chronicler of the Flower Moon - (theringer.com)
  19. CIA, MKUltra, and the cover-up of U.S. germ warfare in the Korean war (2022) - (jeff-kaye.medium.com)
  20. Jean Monnet: The Guerilla Bureaucrat (2021) - (250bpm.com)
  21. Efficiently Searching In-Memory Sorted Arrays: Revenge of Interpolation Search? [pdf] - (wisc.edu)
  22. Office-Tickler (1888) [pdf] - (storage.googleapis.com)
  23. It could cost $21B to clean up California’s oil sites, study finds - (propublica.org)
  24. Building a Lox Interpreter in Julia - (lukemerrick.com)
  25. Fq: Jq for Binary Formats - (github.com/wader)
  26. Literate Configuration of Elfeed - (sapka.me)
  27. Meticulous (YC S21) Is Hiring Founding Engineer to Build AI for UI Testing
  28. Manifesto on the Teaching of Mathematics (2015) - (intellectualmathematics.com)
  29. OpenAI's plans according to Sam Altman - (archive.org)
  30. Don’t store cash in Venmo and PayPal, US regulator warns - (cnn.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-06-04 16:00