
Hacker News 简讯 2023-06-05

HackerNews 2023-06-05 views:


最后更新时间: 2023-06-05 16:00

  1. Sandstorm: Open-source platform for self-hosting web apps - (sandstorm.io)
  2. Mystery math whiz and novelist advance permutation problem - (quantamagazine.org)
  3. I wrote my own smart home software - (athaydes.com)
  4. Generative AI learning path - (cloudskillsboost.google)
  5. The Rust I wanted had no future - (graydon2.dreamwidth.org)
  6. D-Day Psyop (2014) - (psywarrior.com)
  7. It’s infuriatingly hard to understand how closed models train on their input - (simonwillison.net)
  8. Moderation strike - (meta.stackexchange.com)
  9. Social media for AI bots: “No humans allowed” - (fry-ai.com)
  10. Huh, Our Fake Beach Is Good for Sharks - (hakaimagazine.com)
  11. Live dashboard of carbon dioxide removal purchases - (cdr.fyi)
  12. As the Priest Said to the Nun - (lrb.co.uk)
  13. Dennis Ritchie’s page on Bell Labs website - (bell-labs.com)
  14. Redream: Realtime Diffusion, Using Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion API - (github.com/fictiverse)
  15. Crun: Fast and lightweight OCI runtime and C library for running containers - (github.com/containers)
  16. Wonky – An exploration of rhythm and grooves that break the rules - (pudding.cool)
  17. Show HN: Rarbg on IPFS - (ipfs.io)
  18. Anything can be a message queue if you use it wrongly enough - (xeiaso.net)
  19. Reduce vs. Fold in Common Lisp - (n16f.net)
  20. Atomic Tourism - (wsj.com)
  21. Blink 1.0 - (github.com/jart)
  22. Where the Wood-Wide Web Went Wrong - (undark.org)
  23. Parents in Ireland town to voluntarily ban smartphones for kids as old as 13 - (businessinsider.com)
  24. Pneumatic Antenna Launching Systems - (antennalaunchers.com)
  25. eBPF for Cybersecurity – Part 1 - (cloudnativefolks.org)
  26. Book Review: Applied Math for Security - (dustri.org)
  27. WFH – Watched from Home: Office 365 and workplace surveillance creep (2022) - (privacyinternational.org)
  28. DreamBerd is a perfect programming language - (github.com/todepond)
  29. A Close Look at a Spinlock (2021) - (regehr.org)
  30. Optery (YC W22) Hiring in Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Business Ops - (ycombinator.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-06-05 16:00