
Hacker News 简讯 2023-08-29

HackerNews 2023-08-28 views:


最后更新时间: 2023-08-29 16:00

  1. Alexandria: A minimalistic cross-platform eBook reader - (github.com/btpf)
  2. ChatGPT Enterprise - (openai.com)
  3. Loose lips save sunken ships - (hakaimagazine.com)
  4. Compiling Rust for .NET, using only tea and stubbornness - (fractalfir.github.io)
  5. Practical parsing with Flex and Bison (2021) - (begriffs.com)
  6. Parallel garbage collection for SBCL [pdf] - (applied-langua.ge)
  7. Serial adapter/reboot controller for Apple M1/M2 - (tindie.com)
  8. The Heart of W. Edwards Deming - (hagakure.substack.com)
  9. Reaching the Unix philosophy's logical extreme with WebAssembly - (xeiaso.net)
  10. Explore the Genealogy of Timepieces - (r.appspot.com)
  11. Launch HN: HyLight (YC S23) – Hydrogen airships to inspect energy infrastructure
  12. Germany Is Losing Its Mojo. Finding It Again Won’t Be Easy - (wsj.com)
  13. The $2.98 Computer Library (1977) - (atariarchives.org)
  14. The sudden demise of Indian vultures killed thousands of people - (economist.com)
  15. Source: Google Pixel 8 will get more Android OS updates - (9to5google.com)
  16. How to share a NumPy array between processes - (superfastpython.com)
  17. Souvenir Spoons Museum - (spoonplanet.com)
  18. Padlet (YC W13) is hiring in San Francisco and Singapore - (padlet.jobs)
  19. Bioregions 2023 - (oneearth.org)
  20. A lost Edith Wharton play debuts on stage - (smithsonianmag.com)
  21. A note to young folks: download the things you love - (birchtree.me)
  22. WebLLM: Llama2 in the Browser - (mlc.ai)
  23. Toyota to halt operations at all Japan assembly plants due to system failure - (reuters.com)
  24. Can a worker-owned restaurant work? - (southseattleemerald.com)
  25. Startup receives grant for clinical trial of a promising eye treatment - (usc.edu)
  26. Designing a new concurrent data structure - (questdb.io)
  27. Perfectly Reproducible, Verified Go Toolchains - (go.dev)
  28. Raise less, build more - (trohan.com)
  29. Implementing Nearest-Neighbour Recommendations in Ruby - (vector-logic.com)
  30. Traffic 101: Packets Mostly Flow - (slack.engineering)

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