
Hacker News 简讯 2023-09-17

2023-09-17 00:01:14 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2023-09-17 16:00

  1. A look at Apple’s new Transformer-powered predictive text model - (jackcook.com)
  2. A High Throughput B+tree for SIMD Architectures [pdf] - (lsu.edu)
  3. Cystic fibrosis treatment wins Breakthrough Prize - (nature.com)
  4. Are the Longevity Benefits of Acarbose Rooted in Its Role on the Gut Microbiota? - (gethealthspan.com)
  5. AMD’s Phoenix SoC - (chipsandcheese.com)
  6. Show HN: Every Breath You Take – Heart Rate Variability Training - (github.com/kbre93)
  7. Pirates of the Caribbean (Metric Edition) (2017) - (nist.gov)
  8. America's advanced manufacturing problem and how to fix it - (americanaffairsjournal.org)
  9. Generative Image Dynamics - (generative-dynamics.github.io)
  10. Running one’s own root Certificate Authority in 2023 - (wejn.org)
  11. The Fossil Wrist PDA becomes a tiny Gopher client - (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
  12. Guidance: A guidance language for controlling large language models - (github.com/guidance-ai)
  13. Don't be afraid to be wrong - (nlopes.dev)
  14. Formatting text in C++: Old and new ways - (mariusbancila.ro)
  15. Americas richest 10% is responsible for 40% of its planet heating pollution - (plos.org)
  16. Spellburst: LLM–Powered Interactive Canvas - (arxiv.org)
  17. New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost - (phys.org)
  18. Streaming is changing the sound of music - (wsj.com)
  19. Gym Class VR (YC W22) Is Hiring a Lead Back End Engineer - (ycombinator.com)
  20. What Silicon Valley “Gets” about Software Engineers - (pragmaticengineer.com)
  21. Horcrux: Split your file into encrypted fragments - (github.com/jesseduffield)
  22. “I want to use this tactically vs. GOOG/AAPL” (2022) - (twitter.com/techemails)
  23. Percy Ludgate - (wikipedia.org)
  24. Epistemological problem of emergence in complex systems (2018) [pdf] - (nih.gov)
  25. The Early Days of American English - (laphamsquarterly.org)
  26. Dlarc Amateur Radio Library Tops 90k Items - (archive.org)
  27. Tracking Austrian grocery prices by scraping store sites - (gamedev.place)
  28. Lodash just declared issue bankruptcy and closed every issue and open PR - (twitter.com/danielcroe)
  29. How to Escape the Startup Trough of Sorrow - (briefmix.com)
  30. The database servers powering Let's Encrypt (2021) - (letsencrypt.org)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2023-09-17 16:00