
Hacker News 简讯 2024-02-21

HackerNews 2024-02-20 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-02-21 16:00

  1. So You Want to Ship a Command-Line Tool for macOS - (becca.ooo)
  2. If Architects had to work like Programmers (1995) - (gksoft.com)
  3. Kagi Sidekick (alpha) - (kagi.com)
  4. Keep your phone number private with Signal usernames - (signal.org)
  5. Would von Braun's Mars Landers Have Worked? - (raypatrick.xyz)
  6. LED Matrix Earrings - (mitxela.com)
  7. Game Programming Patterns - (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
  8. Let's Build the GPT Tokenizer [video] - (youtube.com)
  9. SSDs have become fast, except in the cloud - (databasearchitects.blogspot.com)
  10. DeepComputing ROMA RISC-V Laptop - (deepcomputing.io)
  11. Planner programming blows my mind - (hillelwayne.com)
  12. Japan Bets $67B to Become a Global Chip Powerhouse Once Again - (yahoo.com)
  13. ChatGPT Has Gone Berserk - (garymarcus.substack.com)
  14. TCP Puzzlers (2016) - (tritondatacenter.com)
  15. 100kHz to 6GHz 2 port USB based VNA - (github.com/jankae)
  16. Video Game Module for Flipper Zero - (flipperzero.one)
  17. Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: $490k swindle - (popey.com)
  18. The Economics of Status (2006) - (daviddfriedman.blogspot.com)
  19. Preview edition of Microsoft OS/2 2.0 sold on eBay - (theregister.com)
  20. Walmart buying TV-brand Vizio for its ad-fueling customer data - (arstechnica.com)
  21. secd chews up CPU cycles and Watch battery life goes in the terlet - (arstechnica.com)
  22. LlamaCloud and LlamaParse - (llamaindex.ai)
  23. Launch HN: Dart (YC W22) – Project management with automatic report generation
  24. Show HN: Hyperdiv – Reactive, immediate-mode web UI framework for Python - (github.com/hyperdiv)
  25. RGB K-D Tree (2016) - (allrgb.com)
  26. The Lifespan of Large Appliances Is Shrinking - (wsj.com)
  27. Spine AI (YC S23) Is Hiring - (ycombinator.com)
  28. The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic - (topshelfcomix.com)
  29. Lwarp – Converts LaTeX to HTML - (ctan.org)
  30. Updating Gov.uk’s crown - (insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-02-21 16:00