
Hacker News 简讯 2024-02-26

HackerNews 2024-02-26 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-02-26 16:00

  1. Home Screen Advantage - (infrequently.org)
  2. A History of the TTY - (computer.rip)
  3. New car buying guide: the algorithm (2021) - (github.com/kutinden)
  4. Frugly vs. Freemium - (taylor.town)
  5. PID Without a PhD (2016) [pdf] - (wescottdesign.com)
  6. Life Aboard a Nuclear Submarine - (vanityfair.com)
  7. Show HN: Nekoweb – a retro static web hosting - (nekoweb.org)
  8. Working with Purpose, Forever - (hakaimagazine.com)
  9. FDA approves first medication to reduce allergic reactions to multiple foods - (fda.gov)
  10. Coroutines in C (2000) - (greenend.org.uk)
  11. Ask HN: What do I do with my side projects?
  12. Console.delight - (frontendmasters.com)
  13. Inside North Korea's Forced Labor Program - (newyorker.com)
  14. Ask HN: Question about CTR, conversions, and validation
  15. Pleasures by Aldous Huxley (1920) - (hackneybooks.co.uk)
  16. TOTP Codes in the Terminal - (jpmens.net)
  17. The Snazzy D Compiler - (github.com/snazzy-d)
  18. Slimming Down Windows 3.1/3.11 (2002) - (geocities.ws)
  19. Show HN: Justpath – a simple utility to explore the PATH environment variable - (github.com/epogrebnyak)
  20. It's OK to abandon your side-project - (robbowen.digital)
  21. In Search of the Last Saola - (ensia.com)
  22. Vega-Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python - (altair-viz.github.io)
  23. $500 drone live calculates position with camera, Google Maps. No GPS - (dronenr.com.au)
  24. Abusing Conda's Turing-Complete YAML Comments - (astrid.tech)
  25. Show HN: Reverse-Engineering a Switch Lite with 1,917 wires - (usoldering.com)
  26. Write Dumb Code (2018) - (matthewrocklin.com)
  27. Drawing and illustrating in the pre-digital time (2019) - (daube.ch)
  28. Efficient recovery and recycling of cobalt from spent lithium-ion batteries - (acs.org)
  29. Stress Reduction Techniques for High Stress Operations - (health.mil)
  30. Osquery: An sqlite3 virtual table exposing operating system data to SQL - (osquery.io)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-02-26 16:00