
Hacker News 简讯 2024-03-22

2024-03-22 00:01:11 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-03-22 16:00

  1. Picotron Is a Fantasy Workstation - (lexaloffle.com)
  2. Show HN: Memories – FOSS Google Photos alternative built for high performance - (memories.gallery)
  3. Amazon Chronos: Learning the Language of Time Series - (arxiv.org)
  4. How Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Helps Neural Networks Compute - (quantamagazine.org)
  5. Users say Glassdoor added real names to user profiles without their consent - (techcrunch.com)
  6. Gitlab confirms it's removed Suyu, a fork of Nintendo Switch emulator Yuzu - (theverge.com)
  7. Atari Falcon030 - (goto10retro.com)
  8. On limitations that hide in your blindspot - (henrikkarlsson.xyz)
  9. Launch HN: Soundry AI (YC W24) – Music sample generator for music creators - (soundry.ai)
  10. Implementing Vertical Form Controls - (webkit.org)
  11. U.S. sues Apple, accusing it of maintaining an iPhone monopoly - (nytimes.com)
  12. Difftastic, a structural diff tool that understands syntax - (wilfred.me.uk)
  13. Meteorite Self-test check-list - (wustl.edu)
  14. The Origins of the Generic Mapping Tools - (wiley.com)
  15. Silent Running: 1970s Environmental Fable Remains Depressingly All Too Relevant - (reactormag.com)
  16. Navigating the World of Large Language Models - (bentoml.com)
  17. Apollo Data Uncovers Lunar Seismic Events - (essopenarchive.org)
  18. Implementation of mixture of experts language model in a single file of PyTorch - (github.com/avisoori1x)
  19. Imbue (Formerly Generally Intelligent) (YC S17) Is Hiring an Engineering Manager
  20. Array Languages: R vs. APL (2023) - (jcarroll.com.au)
  21. Hacker News Rankings. Graphs of HN posts rank on timeline - (hnrankings.info)
  22. Vernor Vinge has died - (file770.com)
  23. Tunnelmole, an ngrok alternative (open source) - (softwareengineeringstandard.com)
  24. Introduction to Algorithmic Art - (xahlee.info)
  25. Greece, Argentina and India are the fastest improving business environments - (eiu.com)
  26. DuckDB as the New jq - (pgrs.net)
  27. The baffling intelligence of a single cell: The story of E. coli chemotaxis - (jsomers.net)
  28. Disk write buffering and its interactions with write flushes - (utoronto.ca)
  29. Improving OKRs – By Daniel Walters - (wioota.substack.com)
  30. Show HN: Dropflow, a CSS layout engine for node or <canvas> - (github.com/chearon)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-03-22 16:00