
Hacker News 简讯 2024-03-24

2024-03-24 00:01:10 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-03-24 16:00

  1. New Aztec Codices Discovered: The Codices of San Andrés Tetepilco - (tlacuilolli.com)
  2. Swedish composer becomes Spotify's most-famous musician you've never heard of - (theguardian.com)
  3. After 41 years, my first assembly program on my first computer, the Tomy Tutor - (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
  4. Speaking without vocal cords, thanks to a new AI-assisted wearable device - (ucla.edu)
  5. The Intel 8088 processor's instruction prefetch circuitry: a look inside - (righto.com)
  6. The Super Mario Maker community faces its final boss - (arstechnica.com)
  7. Game of Life, simulating itself, infinitely zoomable - (oimo.io)
  8. What Happens to Google Maps When Tectonic Plates Move? - (nautil.us)
  9. Safecast Open Radiation and Air Quality Map - (safecast.org)
  10. Oxide Cloud Computer. No Cables. No Assembly. Just Cloud - (oxide.computer)
  11. Rye: Homoiconic dynamic programming language with some new ideas - (github.com/refaktor)
  12. Show HN: Rotary Phone Project - (github.com/mnutt)
  13. Linux Crisis Tools - (brendangregg.com)
  14. Marimo: Interactive Fluffy Ball - (oimo.io)
  15. Show HN: Lapdev, a new open-source remote dev environment management software - (github.com/lapce)
  16. Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for Go - (github.com/failsafe-go)
  17. An approach to design high-power lithium sulfur batteries - (phys.org)
  18. CodeCrafters (YC S22) Is Hiring a Bootcamps Partnership Manager - (ycombinator.com)
  19. The man who bought Pine Bluff, Arkansas (2022) - (maxread.substack.com)
  20. Creating an autopilot in X-Plane using Python - (austinsnerdythings.com)
  21. Scythians Between Russia and Ukraine - (upenn.edu)
  22. The Biggest Crisis Is the End of Scarcity - (foreignpolicy.com)
  23. The Virtue of Slow Writers - (themillions.com)
  24. Sheets of Graph Paper Were Used to Design Super Mario Bros - (archdaily.com)
  25. Interval Parsing Grammars for File Format Parsing (2023) [pdf] - (acm.org)
  26. A nostalgic look back at when the Internet still felt joyful - (cnn.com)
  27. Show HN: Wirequery – Full-stack session replay and more - (github.com/wirequery)
  28. OpenDevin – open-source implementation of devin - (github.com/opendevin)
  29. SQLite Schema Diagram Generator - (gitlab.com/screwtapello)
  30. Core I9 14900KF Breaks World Record, Almost Achieves 9.1GHz (2023) - (tomshardware.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-03-24 16:00