
Hacker News 简讯 2024-03-26

2024-03-26 00:01:12 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-03-26 16:00

  1. Radios, how do they work? - (lcamtuf.substack.com)
  2. Google's First Tensor Processing Unit: Architecture - (thechipletter.substack.com)
  3. The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland Has Collapsed - (twitter.com/sentdefender)
  4. Nonlinearsolve.jl: Fast and Robust Solvers for Nonlinear Equations in Julia - (arxiv.org)
  5. ZenHammer: Rowhammer attacks on AMD Zen-based platforms - (ethz.ch)
  6. Packet-Editing Games in Golang (2021) - (remyhax.xyz)
  7. Moirai: A time series foundation model for universal forecasting - (salesforceairesearch.com)
  8. Kapa.ai (YC S23) is hiring a full stack engineer (with LLM focus) - (ycombinator.com)
  9. Show HN: Tracecat – Open-source security alert automation / SOAR alternative - (github.com/tracecathq)
  10. Martin Scorsese's secret life as an obsessive VHS archivist - (theguardian.com)
  11. Canva acquires Affinity, its biggest acquisition, to compete with Adobe - (yahoo.com)
  12. Two open source projects with great architecture documentation - (johnjago.com)
  13. Deej: An open-source hardware volume mixer for Windows and Linux - (github.com/omriharel)
  14. Friends don't let friends export to CSV - (kaveland.no)
  15. Writing x86 SIMD using x86inc.asm (2017) - (gnome.org)
  16. Electronic project kits: hands on with a vintage 160-in-1 (2016) - (medium.com/rxseger)
  17. Notes on debugging HotSpot's JIT compilation (2023) - (jornvernee.github.io)
  18. Show HN: Invertornot.com – API to enhance your images in dark-mode - (invertornot.com)
  19. Globotipo: Making a typeface that is seen by 100M people daily - (plau.design)
  20. A new way Ebola replicates - (umontreal.ca)
  21. Show HN: Auto-generate an OpenAPI spec by listening to localhost - (github.com/adawg4)
  22. Velox: Meta's Unified Execution Engine [pdf] - (umich.edu)
  23. Unlocking the secrets of myelin repair - (stanford.edu)
  24. Inkjets are for more than just printing - (ieee.org)
  25. Computing with JavaScript's Undefined (2020) - (esoteric.codes)
  26. CFEngine's Star Trek and AI Origins (2023) - (mark-burgess-oslo-mb.medium.com)
  27. Solving Crew Battle Strategy with Math - (alexirpan.com)
  28. Computational Astronomy: Exploring the Cosmos with Wolfram - (wolfram.com)
  29. See a Fish? Ring the Bell - (visdeurbel.nl)
  30. Why is the LinkedIn app almost half a gig? - (threadreaderapp.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-03-26 16:00