
Hacker News 简讯 2024-04-21

2024-04-21 08:01:11 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-04-21 16:00

  1. Programming Is Mostly Thinking - (agileotter.blogspot.com)
  2. Racket Language - (racket-lang.org)
  3. Glibc Buffer Overflow in Iconv - (openwall.com)
  4. I bought 300 emoji domain names from Kazakhstan and built an email service (2021) - (tinyprojects.dev)
  5. Scientists discover first nitrogen fixing organelle - (lbl.gov)
  6. Show HN: We relaunched the Official MTA App for NYC public transit - (apps.apple.com)
  7. Financial market applications of LLMs - (thegradient.pub)
  8. Earth Online: non-stop satellite monitoring platform - (nimbo.earth)
  9. How to fix America's aviation system - (wbur.org)
  10. My journey into personal computer software development in 1983 - (farrs.substack.com)
  11. The Psychology of Getting High–A Lot - (nautil.us)
  12. Scriptable operating systems with Lua (2014) [pdf] - (netbsd.org)
  13. Stuart Parkin revolutionized disk drive storage - (ieee.org)
  14. N-Wheeled Vehicles - (douglas-self.com)
  15. Natural language processing in Bash (2023) - (massimo-nazaria.github.io)
  16. Dataflow Analyses and Compiler Optimizations That Use Them, for Free - (regehr.org)
  17. Bringing Exchange Support to Thunderbird - (thunderbird.net)
  18. Fast food is already automated? - (theatlantic.com)
  19. Why do some leading geologists reject the term "Anthropocene"? - (newyorker.com)
  20. Two lifeforms merge in once-in-a-billion-years evolutionary event - (newatlas.com)
  21. Doomscroller.xyz - (doomscroller.xyz)
  22. Tell HN: Ever think of applying to YC? Do it this weekend for S24
  23. Self-reasoning tokens: teaching models to think ahead - (reasoning-tokens.ghost.io)
  24. Emerge (YC W21) is hiring senior engineers to automate dead code deletion - (emergetools.com)
  25. The current state of map design in OpenStreetMap - (imagico.de)
  26. MITRE Response to Cyber Attack in One of Its R&D Networks - (mitre.org)
  27. A Combinatory Rosetta Stone - (zdsmith.com)
  28. Rust Custom Target for QEMU RISC-V on Apache NuttX RTOS - (codeberg.page)
  29. That IACR Preprint - (scottaaronson.blog)
  30. MuPDF WASM Viewer Demo - (mupdf.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-04-21 16:00