
Hacker News 简讯 2024-04-25

2024-04-25 00:01:16 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-04-25 16:00

  1. You are what you read, even if you don't always remember it - (jim-nielsen.com)
  2. A Beginner's Guide to the ESP8266 - (tttapa.github.io)
  3. Anduril Selected for U.S. Air Force Collaborative Combat Aircraft Program - (anduril.com)
  4. HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties - (jakearchibald.com)
  5. I now lack the juice to fuel the bluster to conceal that I am a simpleton - (lithub.com)
  6. Airlines required to refund passengers for canceled, delayed flights - (go.com)
  7. A feature-rich front-end drag-and-drop component library - (github.com/atlassian)
  8. CodeStory (YC S23) is hiring a Founding Engineer for building an AI-native IDE - (workatastartup.com)
  9. When do we stop finding new music? - (statsignificant.com)
  10. Quaternion Knowledge Graph Embeddings - (arxiv.org)
  11. Automated Stitching of Chip Images - (bunniestudios.com)
  12. Magic Numbers - (tive.org)
  13. JSR Is Not Another Package Manager - (deno.com)
  14. McKinsey Under Criminal Investigation over Opioid-Related Consulting - (wsj.com)
  15. VideoGigaGAN: Towards detail-rich video super-resolution - (videogigagan.github.io)
  16. TypeScript: Branded Types - (prosopo.io)
  17. Show HN: Open-source alternative to HashiCorp/IBM Vault - (github.com/infisical)
  18. A Note about Coercions - (oleg.fi)
  19. Fine tune LLAMA3 on million scale dataset in consumer GPU using QLora, DeepSpeed - (medium.com/sumandas0)
  20. Perception of when old age starts has increased over time, shows study - (theguardian.com)
  21. Make Invalid States Unrepresentable - (geeklaunch.io)
  22. Length and thickness of bamboo internodes: a beautiful curve - (elegantexperiments.net)
  23. Descartes's Stove - (bloomsburyliterarystudiesblog.com)
  24. The Rediscovery of a Depression-Era Masterpiece - (newyorker.com)
  25. Nearsightedness is at epidemic levels – and the problem begins in childhood - (theconversation.com)
  26. Piet: Programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings (2002) - (dangermouse.net)
  27. Show HN: See your current Spotify song in the menu bar - (github.com/jonathangarelick)
  28. Borrow Checking, RC, GC, and the Eleven () Other Memory Safety Approaches - (verdagon.dev)
  29. The Rise and Fall of the LAN Party - (aftermath.site)
  30. Ghost Jobs – it's not your fault that you are not getting hired in 2024 [video] - (youtube.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-04-25 16:00