
Hacker News 简讯 2024-05-07

2024-05-07 00:01:12 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-05-07 16:00

  1. Caniemail.com – like caniuse but for email content - (caniemail.com)
  2. Design docs at Google - (industrialempathy.com)
  3. Secure Randomness in Go 1.22 - (go.dev)
  4. Attackers can decloak routing-based VPNs - (leviathansecurity.com)
  5. A book Stanley Kubrick didn’t want anyone to read is being published - (theguardian.com)
  6. How Python asyncio works: recreating it from scratch - (jacobpadilla.com)
  7. The best way to have complex discussions? - (cq2.co)
  8. TOTP Authenticator for PalmOS - (nkorth.com)
  9. A 100x speedup with unsafe Python - (yosefk.com)
  10. Results of the Grand C++ Error Explosion Competition (2014) - (tgceec.tumblr.com)
  11. Faster XML Stream Processing in Go (2019) - (thegreenplace.net)
  12. Visiting the annual Braun collectors fair - (arslan.io)
  13. Async Channels for Swift Concurrency - (github.com/gh123man)
  14. Array.shift Optimizations in Firefox's JavaScript Engine (2020) - (lannonbr.com)
  15. World Food Atlas: Discover local dishes and ingredients - (tasteatlas.com)
  16. PiFex: JTAG Hacking with a Raspberry Pi - (voidstarsec.com)
  17. Proton Mail discloses user data leading to arrest in Spain - (restoreprivacy.com)
  18. How do birds flock? Research reveals previously unknown aerodynamic phenomenon - (nyu.edu)
  19. Google begins enforcement of site reputation abuse policy - (searchengineland.com)
  20. Show HN: Peerdb Streams – Simple, native Postgres change data capture
  21. Boeing Starliner's first crewed mission scrubbed - (techcrunch.com)
  22. Continue (YC S23) is hiring a founding engineer in San Francisco - (ycombinator.com)
  23. Nukefix: Simulating your nuclear weapons program - (nukefix.org)
  24. Utilities for refactoring and upgrading Ruby code based on ASTs - (github.com/baweaver)
  25. New black hole visualization takes viewers beyond the brink - (phys.org)
  26. Spending an afternoon in the Sizewell control-room simulator - (bentasker.co.uk)
  27. Clojure: Managing throughput with virtual threads - (andersmurphy.com)
  28. An infinite canvas for code exploration - (territory.dev)
  29. Frank Stella has died - (nytimes.com)
  30. Spacecraft Takes Close Up Video of the Sun, Revealing Otherworldly Hellscape - (futurism.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-05-07 16:00