
Hacker News 简讯 2024-05-08

2024-05-08 00:01:16 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2024-05-08 16:00

  1. XLSTM: Extended Long Short-Term Memory - (arxiv.org)
  2. The C++ Iceberg - (fouronnes.github.io)
  3. Apple introduces M4 chip - (apple.com)
  4. U.S. Rules Apple Illegally Interrogated Staff and Confiscated Union Flyers - (forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv)
  5. Why use ECC? (2015) - (danluu.com)
  6. Common Google XSS - (matan-h.com)
  7. Road resurfacing during the daytime without stopping traffic [video] - (youtube.com)
  8. Decker: A reincarnation of HyperCard with 1-bit graphics - (beyondloom.com)
  9. Defense Against AI-Guided Traffic Analysis (Daita) - (mullvad.net)
  10. Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library That Compiles to JVM ByteCode - (justinblank.com)
  11. IBM Granite: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence - (github.com/ibm-granite)
  12. Arena-based parsers - (iliabylich.github.io)
  13. Show HN: Serverless collaborative notion-level note editor using CRDT in GO - (github.com/notebox)
  14. Object Linking and Embedding - (wikipedia.org)
  15. LPCAMM2 is a modular, repairable, upgradeable memory standard for laptops - (ifixit.com)
  16. The Grateful Dead's Wall of Sound - (audioacademy.in)
  17. Cold brew coffee in 3 minutes using acoustic cavitation - (unsw.edu.au)
  18. Can turning office towers into apartments save downtowns? - (newyorker.com)
  19. SecureDrop Protocol - (securedrop.org)
  20. Gradient descent visualization - (github.com/lilipads)
  21. Hackers discover how to reprogram NES Tetris from within the game - (arstechnica.com)
  22. The Antisocial Network: How the 90s Internet Died Like Diaryland (2014) - (vice.com)
  23. ScrapeGraphAI: Web scraping using LLM and direct graph logic - (onrender.com)
  24. Show HN: Convert your Containerfile to a bootable OS - (github.com/containers)
  25. Pyspread – Pythonic Spreadsheet - (pyspread.gitlab.io)
  26. Conical Slicing: A different angle of 3D printing - (cnckitchen.com)
  27. Jolie, the service-oriented programming language - (jolie-lang.org)
  28. Coding interviews are stupid (ish) - (darrenkopp.com)
  29. US Revokes Intel, Qualcomm Licenses to Sell Chips to Huawei - (bloomberg.com)
  30. Ask HN: Interesting TUIs (text user interfaces), maybe forgotten ones?

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-05-08 16:00