
Hacker News 简讯 2024-06-23

HackerNews 2024-06-22 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-06-23 16:00

  1. I've Stopped Using Box Plots. Should You? - (nightingaledvs.com)
  2. TinyLetter Shut Down by Mailchimp, So I Built the LetterDrop - (github.com/i365dev)
  3. Richard Stallman, su, and the 'wheel' group (2004) - (meisterplanet.com)
  4. SSH as a Sudo Replacement - (whynothugo.nl)
  5. Ruby: A great language for shell scripts - (lucasoshiro.github.io)
  6. The biggest CRT ever made: Sony's PVM-4300 - (homeip.net)
  7. Shape Rotation 101: An Intro to Einsum and Jax Transformers - (sankalp.bearblog.dev)
  8. ECMA-17: Graphical representation of control characters (1968) [pdf] - (ecma-international.org)
  9. The Pre-Scheme Restoration - (prescheme.org)
  10. Mozilla's Original Sin - (mastodon.social)
  11. Flambda2 Ep. 2: Loopifying Tail-Recursive Functions - (ocamlpro.com)
  12. Explained: The secret City of London which is not part of London - (thevintagenews.com)
  13. Testing AMD's Bergamo: Zen 4c - (chipsandcheese.com)
  14. visionOS thermally throttles based on how much it hears the fans in the mics - (twitter.com/shinyquagsire)
  15. Interface Upgrades in Go - (avtok.com)
  16. OpenEMR: Open-source medical record software - (open-emr.org)
  17. Show HN: I made tool that let's you see everything about any website - (web-check.xyz)
  18. Pi Gazing is a project to build meteor cameras using Raspberry Pi - (dcford.org.uk)
  19. I kind of like rebasing - (rednafi.com)
  20. Hope without optimism – transcription of a talk by Dave Snowden (2022) - (gist.github.com)
  21. Delving into ChatGPT usage in academic writing through excess vocabulary - (arxiv.org)
  22. After my dad died, I ran and sold his company (2018) - (anandsanwal.me)
  23. Native American Indian Star Charts - (californiaindianeducation.org)
  24. HybridNeRF: Efficient Neural Rendering - (haithemturki.com)
  25. Andrew S. Tanenbaum Receives ACM Software System Award - (vu.nl)
  26. Aphantasia: I can not picture things in my mind - (theguardian.com)
  27. Charge Robotics (YC S21) is hiring SWEs to build solar construction robots - (workatastartup.com)
  28. Babylon's Mystery Goddess - (historytoday.com)
  29. Shahed-136 kamikaze drone servomotor [video] - (youtube.com)
  30. As you learn Forth, it learns from you (1981) - (jupiter-ace.co.uk)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-06-23 16:00