
Hacker News 简讯 2024-08-07

HackerNews 2024-08-07 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-08-07 16:00

  1. Medieval - (teenage.engineering)
  2. Structured Outputs in the API - (openai.com)
  3. The Private Life: On James Baldwin - (theparisreview.org)
  4. MNT Pocket Reform first impressions and hardware - (andypiper.co.uk)
  5. Tsung-Dao Lee, physicist who challenged a law of nature, has died - (nytimes.com)
  6. The future of F/OSS continues to be AGPL
  7. Tracking supermarket prices with Playwright - (sakisv.net)
  8. Streams, Calculational Proofs and Dafny - (rdivyanshu.github.io)
  9. Rising rates of cancer in young people prompts hunt for environmental culprit - (ft.com)
  10. Full text search over Postgres: Elasticsearch vs. alternatives - (paradedb.com)
  11. The real "Wolf of Wall Street" sales script - (jointhefollowup.com)
  12. Twitter kills its San Francisco headquarters, will relocate to South Bay - (sfstandard.com)
  13. How not to say the wrong thing (2013) - (latimes.com)
  14. Time is an illusion, and these physicists say they know how it works [video] - (youtube.com)
  15. 70% of new NPM packages in last 6 months were spam - (phylum.io)
  16. Show HN: ScholArxiv – an open-source, aesthetic, minimal research paper explorer - (github.com/dagmawibabi)
  17. I was a 20-something dethroned dotcom ceo that went to work at mcdonald's (2000) - (archive.org)
  18. Finding Nash equilibria through simulation - (psu.ac.th)
  19. China is stockpiling – we must do the same - (thetimes.com)
  20. Please do not attempt to simplify this code - (github.com/kubernetes)
  21. Google says it is obligated to disclose confidential info to U.S. government - (targettrend.com)
  22. Electric chainsaws and the gorge of misery - (lcamtuf.substack.com)
  23. Show HN: 1-FPS encrypted screen sharing for introverts - (1fps.video)
  24. Carvings at Gobekli Tepe may be oldest calendar - (tandfonline.com)
  25. Why Polars rewrote its Arrow string data type - (pola.rs)
  26. Launch HN: Firezone (YC W22) – Zero-trust access platform built on WireGuard
  27. How long does Apple support Mac firmware? - (eclecticlight.co)
  28. YC is doing a first ever Fall batch – applications due by 8/27 - (ycombinator.com)
  29. Squeezing a key through a carry bit (2017) [video] - (ccc.de)
  30. Scheduling Model in LLVM - (myhsu.xyz)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-08-07 16:00