
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-04

HackerNews 2024-09-04 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-04 16:00

  1. Interactive NixOS Tests - (paperless.blog)
  2. EUCLEAK Side-Channel Attack on the YubiKey 5 Series - (ninjalab.io)
  3. Make Your Own CDN with NetBSD - (dragas.net)
  4. We built the city of Colombo in Cities:Skylines - (github.com/team-watchdog)
  5. Keeping CALM: When distributed consistency is easy (2019) - (arxiv.org)
  6. State of S3 – Your Laptop is no Laptop anymore – a personal Rant - (jeujeus.de)
  7. Faster Integer Programming - (acm.org)
  8. Photoroom (YC S20) Is Hiring a Django Back End Lead in Paris (PostgreSQL, REST) - (ashbyhq.com)
  9. Show HN: OBS Live-streaming with 120ms latency - (github.com/glimesh)
  10. Simplifying programming with AI-tutors - (edmigo.in)
  11. Llms.txt - (llmstxt.org)
  12. Chromatone – Visual Music Language - (chromatone.center)
  13. Immigration has remade the U.S. labor force - (wsj.com)
  14. Show HN: I'm making an AI scraper called FetchFox - (fetchfoxai.com)
  15. The Engineering of Landfills - (practical.engineering)
  16. Synchronizing Pong to music with constrained optimization - (victortao.substack.com)
  17. Interviewing Tim Sweeney and Neal Stephenson - (matthewball.co)
  18. Posting a 5x5 crossword every day - (crucig.com)
  19. Show HN: Hestus – AI Copilot for CAD - (hestus.co)
  20. Show HN: Repaint – a WebGL based website builder - (repaint.com)
  21. Judge stops FTC from enforcing ban on non-compete agreements - (computerworld.com)
  22. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2024)
  23. Howm: Personal Wiki for Emacs - (github.com/emacs101)
  24. My Blog Engine Is the Erlang Build Tool - (ferd.ca)
  25. The Fourier Uncertainty Principles [pdf] (2021) - (uchicago.edu)
  26. Greppability is an underrated code metric - (morizbuesing.com)
  27. How to sort your library in exactly 51,271 steps - (kolo.ski)
  28. Is My Blue Your Blue? - (ismy.blue)
  29. Show HN: Epistolary – Respond to your emails in handwriting - (github.com/j6k4m8)
  30. IBM 305 RAMAC and the 1960 Winter Olympics - (pncnmnp.github.io)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-04 16:00