
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-05

HackerNews 2024-09-05 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-05 16:00

  1. Desed: Demystify and debug your sed scripts - (github.com/soptikha2)
  2. The Internet Archive has lost its appeal in Hachette vs. Internet Archive - (courtlistener.com)
  3. CSS @property and the new style - (ryanmulligan.dev)
  4. Show HN: Laminar – Open-Source DataDog + PostHog for LLM Apps, Built in Rust - (github.com/lmnr-ai)
  5. Dynamicland 2024 - (dynamicland.org)
  6. Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby - (github.com/jeremyevans)
  7. Yi-Coder: A Small but Mighty LLM for Code - (01-ai.github.io)
  8. Flexport Is Hiring Engineers in Amsterdam - (flexport.com)
  9. A Real Life Off-by-One Error - (leejo.github.io)
  10. Understanding Pgvector's HNSW Index Storage in Postgres - (lantern.dev)
  11. Tinystatus: A tiny status page generated by a Python script - (github.com/harsxv)
  12. Show HN: An open-source implementation of AlphaFold3 - (github.com/ligo-biosciences)
  13. Accelerando (2005) - (antipope.org)
  14. Show HN: Wat Dat – A Firefox Extension for Instant Text Explanations - (addons.mozilla.org)
  15. The first nuclear clock will test if fundamental constants change - (quantamagazine.org)
  16. CSS-only infinite scrolling carousel animation - (logto.io)
  17. Activating a Playstation-Only Cheat on PC in Just Nine Bytes - (falseceilings.wordpress.com)
  18. HIDman Adapting USB devices to work on old computers - (github.com/rasteri)
  19. Lesser known parts of Python standard library – Trickster Dev - (trickster.dev)
  20. Origami-Inspired Phased Arrays Are Reshaping the Future of Antennas - (viksnewsletter.com)
  21. Show HN: Mem0 – open-source Memory Layer for AI apps - (github.com/mem0ai)
  22. Kagi Assistant - (kagi.com)
  23. Routed Gothic Font - (webonastick.com)
  24. DAGitty – draw and analyze causal diagrams - (dagitty.net)
  25. Encounters with the Maverick Archaeologist of the Americas - (hakaimagazine.com)
  26. sRGB Gamut Clipping (2021) - (bottosson.github.io)
  27. Ilya Sutskever's SSI Inc raises $1B - (reuters.com)
  28. Shift Networks - (jeremykun.com)
  29. The Magazine for Mercenaries Enters Polite Society - (newyorker.com)
  30. Show HN: Graphiti – LLM-Powered Temporal Knowledge Graphs - (github.com/getzep)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-05 16:00