
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-06

HackerNews 2024-09-06 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-06 16:00

  1. Did Sandia use a thermonuclear secondary in a product logo? - (nuclearsecrecy.com)
  2. Baseline pupil size related to cognitive ability in proper lighting conditions - (sciencedirect.com)
  3. What happens when you touch a pickle to an AM radio tower - (jeffgeerling.com)
  4. The expected value of the game is positive regardless of Ballmer’s strategy - (gukov.dev)
  5. LwIP – Lightweight IP Stack - (nongnu.org)
  6. UE5 Nanite in WebGPU - (github.com/scthe)
  7. Phind-405B and faster, high quality AI answers for everyone - (phind.com)
  8. AlphaProteo generates novel proteins for biology and health research - (deepmind.google)
  9. Speeding up Electron apps by using V8 snapshots in the main process - (github.com/raisinten)
  10. The origins of the steam engine (2023) - (rootsofprogress.org)
  11. Deploying rust in existing firmware codebases - (googleblog.com)
  12. The work you do, the person you are (2017) - (newyorker.com)
  13. Serverless-registry: A Docker registry backed by Workers and R2 - (github.com/cloudflare)
  14. Summing Blue Noise Octaves Like Perlin Noise - (demofox.org)
  15. Launch HN: Maitai (YC S24) – Self-Optimizing LLM Platform
  16. Show HN: Retronews – TUI for HN and Lobsters emulating classical Usenet readers - (github.com/luke8086)
  17. I use Nim instead of Python for data processing (2021) - (benjamindlee.com)
  18. Show HN: We built a FOSS documentation CMS with a pretty GUI - (difuse.io)
  19. Common food dye found to make skin and muscle temporarily transparent - (theguardian.com)
  20. Show HN: AnythingLLM – Open-Source, All-in-One Desktop AI Assistant - (github.com/mintplex-labs)
  21. Cron Jobs on Linux – Comprehensive Guide with Examples - (ittavern.com)
  22. Clojure 1.12.0 is now available - (clojure.org)
  23. Frustrations with the OCaml ecosystem while developing a synthesizer library - (gridbugs.org)
  24. The 'Freakish Radio Writings' of 1924 - (centauri-dreams.org)
  25. Why Don't Tech Companies Pay Their Engineers to Stay? - (goethena.com)
  26. Apache Zeppelin - (apache.org)
  27. Libations: Tailscale on the Rocks - (jnsgr.uk)
  28. Show HN: Node.js ORM to query SQL database through an array-like API - (github.com/tilyupo)
  29. Trellis (YC W24) is hiring eng to build AI workflows for unstructured data - (ycombinator.com)
  30. Tell HN: Burnout is bad to your brain, take care

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-06 16:00