
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-07

HackerNews 2024-09-07 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-07 16:00

  1. Asynchronous IO: the next billion-dollar mistake? - (yorickpeterse.com)
  2. Check for malicious IPs using DNS - (ipshield.dev)
  3. How to Make Windows XP Safe (and Fast) (2020) - (wzsn.net)
  4. What's new in C++26 (part 1) - (mariusbancila.ro)
  5. Hardware Acceleration of LLMs: A comprehensive survey and comparison - (arxiv.org)
  6. Browsing Hacker News in the Terminal - (ggerganov.com)
  7. Operating system threads are always going to be (more) expensive - (utcc.utoronto.ca)
  8. Show HN: Wealthfolio: Private, open-source investment tracker - (wealthfolio.app)
  9. Malaysia started mandating ISPs to redirect DNS queries to local servers - (thesun.my)
  10. Hyphanet is a private peer-to-peer platform for publishing and communication - (hyphanet.org)
  11. MNT Pocket Reform – Unboxing and First Impressions - (ratfactor.com)
  12. Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads - (motortrend.com)
  13. QtCS2024: Compile once, Run everywhere - (qt.io)
  14. gRPC: The Ugly Parts - (kmcd.dev)
  15. Natural Piezoelectric Effect May Build Gold Deposits - (arstechnica.com)
  16. How to evaluate performance of LLM inference frameworks - (lamini.ai)
  17. Mapping 20k ships that sank during WW II - (arcgis.com)
  18. Show HN: Using SQL's Turing completeness to build Tetris - (github.com/nuno-faria)
  19. Creating an empty iterator of a certain type in Rust - (freedomlayer.org)
  20. Pulsar, micro creative coding playground - (muffinman.io)
  21. Show HN: Infinity – Realistic AI characters that can speak
  22. How does cosine similarity work? - (tomhazledine.com)
  23. Zen, CUDA, and Tensor Cores, Part I: The Silicon - (computerenhance.com)
  24. LÖVR – A simple Lua framework for rapidly building VR experiences - (github.com/bjornbytes)
  25. Boost your development environment with Ubuntu Multipass - (letsdebug.it)
  26. Tesorio Is Hiring a Senior GenAI Engineer and Django Engineer (100% Remote) - (tesorio.com)
  27. Will open science change chemistry? - (chemistryworld.com)
  28. LSP: The good, the bad, and the ugly - (michaelpj.com)
  29. Effects of Gen AI on High Skilled Work: Experiments with Software Developers - (ssrn.com)
  30. Batteries are a fast-growing secondary electricity source for the grid - (eia.gov)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-07 16:00