
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-15

HackerNews 2024-09-15 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-15 16:00

  1. Show HN: Wordllama – Things you can do with the token embeddings of an LLM - (github.com/dleemiller)
  2. OpenSCAD: The Programmer's Solid 3D CAD Modeller - (openscad.org)
  3. Lazarus Group laundered $200M from 25 crypto hacks to fiat - (zachxbt.mirror.xyz)
  4. How to Optimize Your Career for Happiness - (praachi.work)
  5. A Time Consuming Pitfall for 32-Bit Applications on AArch64 - (sigma-star.at)
  6. One in five genetics papers contains errors thanks to Microsoft Excel (2016) - (science.org)
  7. Writing a Lisp compiler (Lisp to assembly) from scratch in JavaScript (2018) - (eatonphil.com)
  8. Terence Tao on O1 - (mathstodon.xyz)
  9. We're not going to run out of new anatomy anytime soon - (svpow.com)
  10. CSCI 181G PO: Game Engine Programming - (pomona.edu)
  11. The Bastard Operator from Hell (1999) - (bjash.com)
  12. Writing an OS in Rust - (github.com/phil-opp)
  13. Where are programming languages created? A zoomable map - (pldb.io)
  14. Founder Mode, hackers, and being bored by tech - (ianbetteridge.com)
  15. Show HN: I made a game testing your prompting skills - (hc11.org)
  16. Making a rickroll laser: A parametric speaker - (10maurycy10.github.io)
  17. Fuck founder mode. Work in "Fuck off mode" - (reddit.com)
  18. Show HN: I made a digital circuit drawing and simulation game - (github.com/lets-all-be-stupid-forever)
  19. Dropped Cheetos Could Have Triggered Ecosystem Chaos in Largest US Cave Chamber - (iflscience.com)
  20. Ask HN: Must-Read Books for Startups?
  21. Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD - (implicitcad.org)
  22. Google Has Officially Killed Cache Links - (gizmodo.com)
  23. Show HN: Epitomē – A semantic search engine for ancient text - (barneyhill.com)
  24. Falsehoods programmers believe about TCP - (lwn.net)
  25. Brsloan/warewoolf: A minimalist novel-writing system/rich text editor - (github.com/brsloan)
  26. USPS' long-awaited new mail truck makes its debut - (apnews.com)
  27. To forget is an ethical act - (emilygorcenski.com)
  28. Nesting Arena Allocators in Rust - (yoshuawuyts.com)
  29. Dynamic Viewpoint Symbols - (imagico.de)
  30. Why Scrum Is Stressing You Out - (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-15 16:00