
Hacker News 简讯 2024-09-21

HackerNews 2024-09-20 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-09-21 16:00

  1. I Like Makefiles - (switowski.com)
  2. Visualizing Weather Forecasts Through Landscape Imagery - (github.com/lds133)
  3. Show HN: Container Desktop – Podman Desktop Companion - (container-desktop.com)
  4. Porsche's Idea for a Six-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine Looks Brilliant - (motor1.com)
  5. Show HN: Put this touch sensor on a robot and learn super precise tasks - (any-skin.github.io)
  6. Linux/4004: booting Linux on Intel 4004 for fun, art, and no profit - (dmitry.gr)
  7. Critical Exploit in MediaTek Wi-Fi Chipsets: Zero-Click Vulnerability - (sonicwall.com)
  8. CuPy: NumPy and SciPy for GPU - (github.com/cupy)
  9. How do archivists package things? The battle of the boxes - (peelarchivesblog.com)
  10. Sshfs for Windows - (github.com/winfsp)
  11. Mitosis in the Gray-Scott model: writing shader-based chemical simulations - (pierre-couy.dev)
  12. Inside Annapurna Interactive's Mass Walkout - (ign.com)
  13. Apple Shares Full iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro Repair Manuals - (macrumors.com)
  14. MemoRAG – Enhance RAG with memory-based knowledge discovery for long contexts - (github.com/qhjqhj00)
  15. Infinite zoom art turned into a game so fun - (venturebeat.com)
  16. Cold war spy satellites and AI detect ancient underground aqueducts - (newscientist.com)
  17. Kubesafe: Never run Kubernetes commands on the wrong cluster again - (github.com/telemaco019)
  18. Reactive Relational Algebra - (taylor.town)
  19. Show HN: Inngest 1.0 – Open-source durable workflows on every platform - (inngest.com)
  20. Show HN: Open-source text classification CLI – train models with no labeled data - (github.com/taylorai)
  21. Open source maintainers underpaid, swamped by security, and going gray - (theregister.com)
  22. Training Language Models to Self-Correct via Reinforcement Learning - (arxiv.org)
  23. Tō Reo – A Māori Spellchecker - (xn--treo-l3a.nz)
  24. Openpilot – Operating system for robotics - (github.com/commaai)
  25. UpCodes (YC S17) Is Hiring a Marketing Leader - (up.codes)
  26. Gaining access to anyones Arc browser without them even visiting a website - (kibty.town)
  27. CISA boss: Makers of insecure software are the real cyber villains - (theregister.com)
  28. Contextual Retrieval - (anthropic.com)
  29. Show HN: CNC Microscopy for Fun - (anfractuosity.com)
  30. Glass Antenna Turns windows into 5G Base Stations - (ieee.org)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-09-21 16:00