
Hacker News 简讯 2024-10-06

HackerNews 2024-10-06 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-10-06 16:00

  1. Fuzzing 101 - (github.com/antonio-morales)
  2. HPy – A better C API for Python - (hpyproject.org)
  3. Arthur Whitney's one liner sudoku solver (2011) - (dyalog.com)
  4. Things I learned interviewing for Staff positions - (amyunger.com)
  5. Gokapi: Lightweight selfhosted Firefox Send alternative with AWS S3 support - (github.com/forceu)
  6. The Data Visualisation Catalogue: find the right method for your data - (datavizcatalogue.com)
  7. Sometimes the product innovation is the distribution - (interconnected.org)
  8. The Remarkable Life of Ibelin - (thetimes.com)
  9. CoRncrete: A corn starch based building material (2017) - (tudelft.nl)
  10. Statisticians use a technique that leverages randomness to deal with the unknown - (quantamagazine.org)
  11. WordPress Plugin Mirror Downloader (Proof of Concept) - (github.com/centminmod)
  12. USB-C PD for an industrial Cisco IR829 router - (eloydegen.com)
  13. An Intuitive Explanation of Black–Scholes - (gregorygundersen.com)
  14. Playing with BOLT and Postgres - (vondra.me)
  15. The Globus INK: a mechanical navigation computer for Soviet spaceflight - (righto.com)
  16. Forage conservation is a neglected nitrous oxide source - (oup.com)
  17. One pioneering grizzly and her two cubs appear on Vancouver Island - (hakaimagazine.com)
  18. What P vs. NP is about - (vasekrozhon.wordpress.com)
  19. I Stayed - (zeldman.com)
  20. "Extreme" Broadcom-proposed price hike would up VMware costs 1,050%, AT&T says - (arstechnica.com)
  21. DMNO: Environment Variables Evolved - (dmno.dev)
  22. IPU6 camera support in Fedora 41 - (hansdegoede.dreamwidth.org)
  23. Show HN: Brisa Framework launch is here | The Web Platform Framework - (brisa.build)
  24. Continue (YC S23) Is Hiring a Developer Relations Engineer in San Francisco - (ycombinator.com)
  25. Buildroot - (buildroot.org)
  26. We need a real GNU/Linux (not Android) smartphone ecosystem - (reddit.com)
  27. Arpeggiator Cube - (codepen.io)
  28. Adventures with Jean - (theamericanscholar.org)
  29. Weird Nonfiction - (lareviewofbooks.org)
  30. Wikidata as a Giant Crosswalk File - (dbreunig.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-10-06 16:00