
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-05

HackerNews 2024-12-04 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-05 16:00

  1. Diátaxis – A systematic approach to technical documentation authoring - (diataxis.fr)
  2. Genie 2: A large-scale foundation world model - (deepmind.google)
  3. Bringing K/V context quantisation to Ollama - (smcleod.net)
  4. They don't make them like that any more: the Yamaha DX7 keyboard - (kevinboone.me)
  5. Sitters and Standers - (pudding.cool)
  6. AI helps researchers dig through old maps to find lost oil and gas wells - (lbl.gov)
  7. Show HN: Outerbase Studio – Open-Source Database GUI - (github.com/outerbase)
  8. Native dual-range input - (muffinman.io)
  9. The story of Rogue - (spillhistorie.no)
  10. VectorChord: Store 400k Vectors for $1 in PostgreSQL - (pgvecto.rs)
  11. Oscilloscope Music N-Spheres - (oscilloscopemusic.com)
  12. Show HN: I combined spaced repetition with emails so you can remember anything - (ginkgonotes.com)
  13. My son (9 yrs old) used plain JavaScript to make a game, and wants your feedback - (armaansahni.com)
  14. Why America's economy is soaring ahead of its rivals - (ft.com)
  15. How the Arpanet Protocols Worked - (twobithistory.org)
  16. WASM-4: Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console - (wasm4.org)
  17. IMG_0001 - (walzr.com)
  18. Speeding up Ruby by rewriting C in Ruby - (jpcamara.com)
  19. Launch HN: Parsagon (YC W21) – AI for public affairs and government relations
  20. AI hallucinations: Why LLMs make things up (and how to fix it) - (kapa.ai)
  21. AggiesBCI – brain-controlled wheelchair converts thoughts to real-world movement - (yusiali.com)
  22. Show HN: A 5th order motion planner with PH spline blending, written in Ada - (prunt-docs.pages.dev)
  23. The Hoare Cube - (johnwickerson.wordpress.com)
  24. Self-Funding Harberger Taxes - (gwern.net)
  25. How Typing Transformed Nietzsche's Consciousness - (mitpress.mit.edu)
  26. Test Driven Development (TDD) for your LLMs? Yes please, more of that please - (helix.ml)
  27. Interview with Dr. Ken Iverson (1982) - (arraycast.com)
  28. History of rat control in Alberta - (alberta.ca)
  29. The ambiguous witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (2014) - (newcriterion.com)
  30. Bringing the Instructions to the Data - (mattpo.pe)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-05 16:00