
Hacker News 简讯 2024-12-06

HackerNews 2024-12-06 views:


最后更新时间: 2024-12-06 16:00

  1. The 70% problem: Hard truths about AI-assisted coding - (addyo.substack.com)
  2. Trailbase: Fast, single-file, open-source app server built using Rust and SQLite - (github.com/trailbaseio)
  3. Portland airport grows with expansive mass timber roof canopy - (design-milk.com)
  4. The correct amount of ads is zero - (manuelmoreale.com)
  5. ChatGPT Pro - (openai.com)
  6. There Are No More Dogs in Antarctica - (chrisdobo.com)
  7. Gordon Letwin OS/2 Usenet post (1995) - (gunkies.org)
  8. Gitlab names Bill Staples as new CEO - (businesswire.com)
  9. 7 Databases in 7 Weeks for 2025 - (blwt.io)
  10. See how a lab-grown diamond is made - (washingtonpost.com)
  11. Lossless Log Aggregation - Reduce Log Volume by 99% Without Dropping Data - (kevinslin.com)
  12. Optimizing a Rust GPU matmul kernel - (rust-gpu.github.io)
  13. Litdb – type safe SQL for JavaScript/TS - (litdb.dev)
  14. PaliGemma 2: Powerful Vision-Language Models, Simple Fine-Tuning - (googleblog.com)
  15. Show HN: Banan-OS, an Unix-like operating system written from scratch - (github.com/bananymous)
  16. Researchers get 'compact' hard X-ray machine to work - (tue.nl)
  17. The Death of Intel: When Boards Fail - (fabricatedknowledge.com)
  18. Black Hole Puzzle - (johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com)
  19. Communication Structures in a Growing Organization - (jessitron.com)
  20. Square Zero: hide silly messages in decorative borders - (danwilkerson.com)
  21. The "simple" 38 step journey to getting an RFC - (benjojo.co.uk)
  22. Rough notes on learning Wardley Mapping - (lethain.com)
  23. I spent a year building an Android course for the elderly - (kopiascsaba.hu)
  24. Accidentally writing a fast SAT solver - (danielh.cc)
  25. A transport protocol's view of Starlink - (apnic.net)
  26. OpenAI o1 system card - (openai.com)
  27. Zep AI (YC W24) Is Hiring a Dev Advocate - (ycombinator.com)
  28. Researchers launch "moonshot" to cure blindness through eye transplants - (canoncitydailyrecord.com)
  29. Message order in Matrix: right now, we are deliberately inconsistent - (artificialworlds.net)
  30. An Interview with Bill Watterson (1987) - (timhulsizer.com)

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2024-12-06 16:00